
In my last blog I discussed ways you can improve your potential for income in your current job. Sometimes though we all have to consider whether a job change might be something we need to do. And while sometimes the answer is yes, it may be wise to stay where you are and follow the [...]

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iMoneyCoach on July 13th, 2011

If I tell you that improving your work life can improve your finances you might say “duh.” How do I think you get your money in the first place? But I’m talking about more than just hoping you get a raise each year just because a year has passed. At iMoneyCoach, we believe it is [...]

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iMoneyCoach on July 6th, 2011

Blog 5 in my series on improving your life in order to improve your finances focuses on your relationship with your children. The way you interact with your kids can have a lasting impact on both your finances and their own. If you have a stronger relationship with your child you can more easily teach [...]

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iMoneyCoach on June 29th, 2011

Ah money and marriage. I’ve started this series on how you can improve the different areas of your life and thus greatly improve your finances. And today’s topic is marriage. I know this can be a tricky one. They say the leading cause of divorce is money, and in a nation where 50% of all [...]

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iMoneyCoach on June 15th, 2011

Last week I started a new blog series on strengthening your finances by strengthening the various other parts of your life. The first topic was centered on your personal life, more specifically the physical aspects of your personal life. Today we’ll discuss the emotional part. You may be surprised to find out how much your [...]

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