In my last blog I discussed ways you can improve your potential for income in your current job. Sometimes though we all have to consider whether a job change might be something we need to do. And while sometimes the answer is yes, it may be wise to stay where you are and follow the advice I gave on ways to improve your skills and chances of a raise.

One example that we like to share on this topic is the story of a successful realtor who made great money and was a mentor to other realtors because of his success. But he felt unfulfilled spiritually and decided to quit his job in real estate to write books. This all sounds fulfilling, but his books didn’t sell, so he couldn’t make his house payment and ended up losing his home. This caused problems with his family because they couldn’t depend on him to provide for them. This could have been avoided had he done a few things, like making sure that he could sell as an author before giving up his income, generating alternative income sources, and taking small steps to create balance instead of completely overturning his life.

So before you quit your job for a hobby or even another career you think you would enjoy, be sure to think about the ramifications of that change. Question whether or not you will be able to make a living doing that other thing. How will it impact your family? Will you need to totally reconstruct your budget?

If you think a career change is the best thing for you, here are some tips to keep in mind as you are considering and searching for a new career:

  1. Do some research. Is there a career out there you think you might want to have? See what it would take to get into that field. Do you need more education or experience? Talk to people who are already in the field and see how they got there. Sometimes it helps to have a friend in the career you are looking at when you are trying to get a new job.
  2. Look for other opportunities with your current employer. Perhaps you are not happy in your current position, but is there something more fulfilling or something better suited to within your current company? Check out the current job postings or chat with your boss about the possibilities.
  3. Consider who will be affected. Be sure to discuss your ideas with your spouse. Consider how a new career would impact your family. Make a list of pros and cons. The confidence you can gain from having the support of your family as you search for a job can be very beneficial.
  4. Think About the Future. Consider whether the new career you are considering is one that is just hot right now or if it stands to last the test of time. Is it a stable career that you can count on for a long time?
  5. Don’t burn bridges. You don’t know if the new career will work out for sure, and there could be a time when you need to fall back on your old career. So just because you are leaving your current job doesn’t mean you should leave a bad impression with peers, colleagues, or superiors.

If you’d like more advice or want to talk to people who can help you decide whether a career change might be beneficial, you can call and talk to one of our Financial Life Coaches at (303) 462-2001. Or be sure to check out The CALL to see what career is right for you.

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