Hello from all of us at iMoneyCoach. Today I’d like to share with you some ways to stop sabotaging your finances so that you can become successful with your money:

  • First, you need to spend less than you earn. Find ways to cut costs, save money, and get out of debt. The more you put on your credit card or finance, the more you end up paying in the long run. And the deeper you go into debt, the longer it takes to get out.
  • Next, be sure that you have an accumulation or periodic savings account. This is an account in addition to your regular savings account that you can use for those expenses that you know might come up, but you just don’t know when. For example, when your car breaks down and you need $500 to get it fixed. If you have that money set aside already, you will not have to dip into your savings or worry about how you can get the money together to get the repairs done. It will save you a lot of headache and stress.
  • Be conscious of your budget and how your purchases affect it. If you know that you only have $100 left in your budget for entertainment this month, then it is not a good time to buy a $500 bicycle. When you have made a budget based on your priorities, you can be sure that you are spending on the things that are most important to you.

How do you start doing all these things? Learning how to be successful with your money can seem tough, maybe even impossible. But don’t worry – it IS possible! There are many workbooks and seminars out there that can help you figure out how to get out of debt and work a budget, but those often leave people lacking. That’s why we have developed a system that actually works.

At iMoneyCoach our goal is to teach you how to be successful with your finances in such a way that you will also be able to enjoy your life. Most financial plans out there are similar to diets. They may work for a short time, but you eventually end up back where you started. Instead, at iMoneyCoach we look at your individual needs and situation to determine what changes you need to make in order to have lasting success and happiness.

So stop sabotaging your finances. Sign up for the iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System online courses to learn what you need to know to be successful with your money.
