I usually try to keep the blog to tips and ideas for saving money, making money, or working on life issues that will ultimately affect your financial situation. Today I’d like to talk about iMoneyCoach’s email campaign, the true iMoneyMinute. We designed this email series to be a quick read where our clients and friends can in one minute or less find great ideas and tips to save money, save time, or make money. So far we have received mostly positive feedback about the emails. So I wanted to be sure and give out the link here so you can sign up for iMoneyMinute emails.

What are some examples of these iMoneyMinutes, and why would they be useful to you?

Here’s an example: The iMoneyMinute we sent out in late January was about finding free Wi-Fi. McDonald’s recently announced that they would be offering free Wi-Fi at many of their locations (and there are a lot of McDonald’s out there!). So we included the link to the McDonald’s restaurant locator. But maybe you would want to go other places to scout out free Wi-Fi. So we included these two cool website links to find free Wi-Fi near you: Free Wi-fi Spot and Open Wi-fi Spot. On a personal note, my family recently gave my grandmother a new laptop. Now, she has been using Juno for ages, and while it works, it is very slow and she can’t watch any sort of videos on there (not great when most of your grandkids and great-grandkids live out of state and post updates and videos online!). Now she has a list of places all over town where she can go sit and connect wirelessly to a fast internet!

Another example: We care about our clients’ safety, including their computer safety. And we want to save money for them, so we sent out an iMoneyMinute with links to a variety of FREE PC Danger-Proofing tools.

We aren’t a company that is solely about making money. We do have to make money to stay in business, but the iMoneyMinute is just one way that we can share a free service with great tips and advice that can help others save money, save time, or make money. It’s that easy. Life is full of things that drain your pockets, and we just want to ease that drain for you!

So again, if you do not already receive our iMoneyMinute emails and would like to do so, please sign up here. And if you already get them, I sincerely hope that you are enjoying the information and that it is useful to you. If you have any ideas or suggestions for upcoming emails, please send over a quick email (sarah@ifsweb.com) and I’d be happy to work on an iMoneyMinute that fits a need you have or would help others!

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