
 They say that money problems are the leading cause of divorce these days. While many couples argue about money, money itself may not be the issue. Everything in your life affects your finances. This is one of the key concepts of iMoneyCoach. One thing that we encourage our clients to do is to sit down [...]

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iMoneyCoach on December 15th, 2010

Budgeting often has a huge stigma attached to it and can seem like an insurmountable task to many people at first glance. Throw in the holidays and all the pressure we feel to buy and spend, and the idea of budgeting easily gets thrown out the door. But this is a time where it is [...]

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iMoneyCoach on November 25th, 2010

It seems like every week there is a new popular diet, guaranteed to help you lose weight and feel great. One week you boycott every form of carbohydrates out there, and the next week you can eat all the cabbage and lettuce you want but nothing else. Then the next week you have to eat [...]

Continue reading about Why Diets and Budgets Don’t Work

iMoneyCoach on October 27th, 2010

A lot of people ask why it is important to have a budget and track their spending. They think they do alright and have a general idea of where their money is going each month. To be truly effective financially though, a budget is a necessity. Let’s say we sit down together and have you [...]

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iMoneyCoach on September 15th, 2010

Here you can see a graph that deals with spending and income displayed by four different lines. Maybe it just looks like a boring old graph to you at first glance, but the possibilities it actually represents are incredible. The two lines (blue and red) that shoot heavily upward indicate an increase in income over [...]

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