Hi, and welcome to the iMoneyCoach blog!

Our goal is to provide great information here to help people find Life Balance and financial success. That concept of Life Balance makes up the core of the iMoneyCoach philosophy.

You see, we believe that money is the smallest part of your finances. Yes, you read that right. It might sound a little strange at first, but if you read through our articles, you will find it to be absolutely true. Every decision we make affects and is affected by money. Often we have problems or struggles in our lives that we tend to throw money at as a band-aid. But that doesn’t really fix the problem and can end up making it worse. At iMoneyCoach we teach you how to find solutions for those problems and improve all the areas of your life so that ultimately you can thrive financially. Our goal is to get you to a place where you can honestly and enthusiastically say “I LOVE my life!”

We also have a category for money-saving tips and ideas including ways to do projects yourself for less, how to save money on groceries, etc. We want to make budgeting and money management as easy and stress-free as possible!

These are the six main categories we write about:

  • Spiritual
  • Personal
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Work
  • Save Money

Guest posting can help get your name out and also help your site by providing backlinks. The more relevant backlinks you have, the higher you can rank on search engines. At iMoneyCoach we would be happy to have you write a relevant post that will give our readers value and at the same time help you.

If you have an idea for a post that fits one of the six categories mentioned above and that you feel would be uplifting and useful for our readers, please submit it here! All content must be original and should not be posted anywhere else once it has been submitted to the iMoneyCoach blog. Posts should be 400-700 words long. You will get a notification when we have received your post and another one once it has been reviewed and posted live to our site.

We ask that you would also consider having iMoneyCoach guest post on your site. We are passionate about getting financial education out there and helping others claim a life of financial freedom and success.

To get started please follow this link to submit your guest post.

Thanks and happy posting!

- The iMoneyCoach Team