If you were to think of a way to get out of debt and learn how to manage your finances successfully (yes, even get to a place where money earned from your investments is more than what you spend each month) that is convenient and fits your schedule, what would that look like? This is the question that iMoneyCoach tackled in building the iMoneyCoach University.

For several years we met with clients, and still do, in our office in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Even by making exceptions and scheduling the occasional evening meeting, we still found that it is hard for people to break away from their daily responsibilities to come meet about finances, especially couples who need to work together on their money situation. We have done Skype calls and phone conferences, but still we needed a way to reach people that was more convenient for them.

In thinking about convenience, we also wanted to make sure that we did not lose any of the meat of our iMoneyCoach program. We teach people how to manage their finances successfully AND find what we call Life Balance, which is vital to financial success. It is important to us that if we are going to be reaching out and teaching people about money, that no matter how we do that, we are still able to deliver it in a way that ensures success for our clients.

The result of much brainstorming and a LOT of work is the iMoneyCoach University. This is a website that offers online finance courses that you can take on your own time, when it is convenient for you. If you have time in the evening after you put the kids to bed, then you can learn about money management then. If Saturday morning in your jammies is the best time for you to discover how to be successful, great! Our courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We designed them to be self-standing so that you can access them whenever it is most convenient for YOU.

The courses are designed to be easy and straightforward, but still give you all the information you need to reach financial freedom. In the iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System you will find 10 different sections that each take approximately 1 hour to complete. We believe that if you can find 10 hours over the stretch of a few months, you can be well on your way to financial freedom. For those who maybe just want a smaller section of what we offer in the Financial Life Training System, perhaps someone who wants to focus only on getting out of debt for now, we have made several sections of the iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System available as individual courses. So if you want to focus on debt, you can go through The Debtinator as a standalone course. Or if you don’t have debt and want to learn about budgeting, you might try our Budgeting Course. Of course, if you want to learn about both of those topics but don’t want to go through the whole system, you might try our combo deal, the Budgeting and Debt Elimination course. Our goal is to be accommodating to your needs and still deliver a great product.

So what’s included in these courses? Well, we know that people have different learning styles and get some ideas in different ways. So we have included videos, quizzes, stories and examples, worksheets, and even fully narrated each course. This rich, interactive experience will help you get the most out of our finance courses. We wanted to be sure that if you couldn’t meet with us face-to-face, you would not lose any of the value of our financial life coaching program.

What are you waiting for? Head on over to the iMoneyCoach University and sign up for a course today! I recommend the full iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System because it is sure to cover your financial situation and get you to a place where you can reach financial freedom AND enjoy your life along the way. If you have any questions about the courses or want to know more, be sure to let me know. And you can always learn more about how iMoneyCoach works.
