grab and go box in case of emergencyThere are things in life we hope will never happen, but it can’t hurt to be prepared. In fact, it can give you peace of mind and save you stress in the event of an actual emergency. As you run out the door, you will thank yourself if you already know what to grab and don’t have to waste precious time trying to figure out what you need to take with you.

Today I’d like to share with you the idea of creating a Grab-N-Go box, something that has your important information in it that you can grab easily in case of a fire or evacuation so you don’t have to start from scratch. Just having some identification can make it easier to put your life back together.

The first thing to do is to go buy a small waterproof, fireproof container, preferably one you can lock since you will have valuable information inside. It is a good idea to get one that is not so heavy that you can’t carry it but big enough to fit the documents and valuables that you want to save.

Next, pick a place to store your Grab-N-Go box. You don’t want to leave it sitting out on a counter where a burglar would have prime access to all your important information, but it is also probably not a good idea to hide it behind a stack of boxes on the top shelf of your closet either. You need to be able to grab this box quickly in the event of an emergency. If it is a box that locks, be sure you have hidden the key somewhere nearby in a place you will remember. For example, if you store your box behind a pair of snow boots in the hall closet, maybe you have the key taped to the bottom of a shelf in the same closet. Be sure that your spouse or significant other knows where this box is too.

Finally, you will want to gather up documents to put in this Grab-N-Go box. Even if you have a waterproof container, it is a good idea to separate documents and files into plastic bags for extra protection just in case.

What you include is really up to you, but here is a list of things that would be a good idea to have. It may be a good idea to keep copies of these documents in a safe-deposit box or with a trusted family member as backup:

  • Passports
  • Marriage license
  • Birth certificates
  • Social Security cards
  • Wills, trusts, your attorney’s contact information
  • Cash or traveler’s checks to live on for a few days as ATMs in the area may not be working
  • Financial records including a list of places you have accounts. It is a good idea to create this list both for the purpose of a disaster and for the well-being of your family in the event something happens to you. For more information on this, please see The Bucket Book.
  • Health information including copies of your dental and health insurance cards, your child’s immunization records, and a list of medications and prescription numbers
  • Contact information for family, friends, pastors, doctors, financial advisors, and anyone else you would want to contact in case of an emergency.
  • Copies of titles for you home and vehicles. Also include information on your mortgages and leases so you have it handy.
  • Copy of your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance cards.
  • CDs with files you want to keep from your computer like digital copies of all your pictures so you don’t have to try and carry your photo albums out the door.

One note: After you have left your home, do NOT leave this box unattended for any reason. It contains private information and valuables that you want to keep with you. Don’t let someone else snatch it up!

We hope that you never have to face an emergency but also that you are prepared for the big “what ifs” and can enjoy peace of mind. If you already have a Grab-N-Go box or if you can think of something that is not on the list here, please feel free to add it in a comment below so others can benefit from it.


If you would like to learn more about getting your financial records in order as well as how to reach financial success, be sure to enroll in our Financial Life Training System online courses today.