We work with a lot of people asking “How can I get money?” or “How can I make more money?” The first thing we do is work with those people to make sure they are budgeting and spending wisely. If you are not doing those 2 things, then no amount of “more money” will be enough. That’s why many people who win the lottery end up broke after a while.

Once we have worked on the budgeting aspect, then we discuss ideas for generating more income. It is a good idea to find multiple sources of income so that you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. What’s more is that you may be able to find more passive sources of income so that you can devote your time to things that are important to you. And by this I mean income from rental properties or affiliate programs, something where you don’t have to be so involved but still generate some cash flow.

See this article on Generating Alternate Income to get a better understanding of why you should be considering alternate sources of income and some ideas on getting started. Here is a short list of ways you could be bringing in cash besides your primary occupation:

  • Rental income/rental property
  • Turn a hobby into a job (i.e. you love to craft, why not sell your items at craft fairs?)
  • Freelance work writing, making phone calls, or giving advice in your area of expertise
  • Delivering newspapers or phone books
  • Pick up odd jobs like painting your company’s offices – a little extra cash here and there adds up, and you don’t have to work a busy schedule ALL the time, just occassionally
  • Taking care of other children. You can do this if you already have kids so you can stay home and be with them while still making some money.
  • Sell your stuff. Have a garage sale or list items on eBay and craigslist.

You can check out this article on alternate income for more details on some of the items above.

So remember, first get your finances straight as far as how you are budgeting and spending. Our Financial Training Courses help you do that (PLUS determine your spending personality, give you a new definition of money, help you set goals and leave a legacy for your family, and find balance in all the areas of your life so that your finances can thrive and you can honestly say “I LOVE my life!”).

Then find some ways to bring extra cash into your household. Find one, two, or even three things that bring money into your house effectively so that you are not working 100% of the time but can still enjoy your life and spend time with your family.

After you’ve taken those steps the question changes from “How can I get money?” to “How can I make my money work for me?” You’ll want to make sure you are putting your extra money into savings and investments so that your money will be able to grow. Then you’ll be on your way to reaching your financial dreams!

1 Comment on How Can I Get More Money

  1. [...] income but now also have time to help others? Or could you right now work on generating some other streams of income that will be easy to sustain in the [...]