We here at iMoneyCoach have developed a Resource Center full of resources to help people grow in each of the 5 main segments of life. You see, there are 5 main life segments that are all interconnected and interdependent. Those 5 segments include: spiritual, personal (emotional and physical), relationships, work, and finances. To get to a place where you can really love your life, it is important to work on each of those segments to build success.

The good part is that this Resource Center can help people at any level, whether they are having relationship troubles and don’t know where to start, or if they have a good marriage but want it to be even better. It can help if they hate their job and want to start a new career or love their job and want to do better at it. We have made it very easy to look for books, blogs, websites, and videos that deal with each of the 5 main life segments. If you visit the  iMoneyCoach Resource Center you can easily navigate the 5 Life Segments by using the menu on the right side of the page. There are personal stories about people who have made changes in each of the segments that made their lives much happier, and in the end helped their finances!

Here’s an example of how building up one of your life segments (we’ll use the work segment for this example) can help your finances:

Brian really enjoyed fishing and also loved his son. He decided to put together a father-son fishing trip for several of his friends and their sons. He made all the plans, researched the best locations, and even packed lunches for everyone. They all had such a great time, he started planning these trips for other fathers and sons, and he was able to charge a fee. So this way he was able to make money, spend time with his son, and enjoy his favorite hobby all at the same time. Now, not every hobby is going to automatically make you money. But it is a good idea to think about all the things you enjoy or are passionate about and consider if there is a way you can make money by doing them.

So I would encourage you today to stop by our iMoneyCoach Resource Center for some great free resources. Browse the different life segments to see where there may be areas you could improve upon. If you don’t know where to start or feel like you need more help than these resources can offer, give us a call to set up a free consultation with a Financial Life Coach (303-462-2001). Our goal is to get people to a place where they can say “I love my life!” And that includes you!

If you have any suggestions for material you have come across and think would be beneficial to others, please let us know so we can add it to the site. You can email me at sarah@ifsweb.com – I’d be happy to hear from you!

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