I did a Google search on the term “best investment,” and it came back with 35,300,000 results. That’s 35 million best investments?! Let me tell you, and this is not a brand new concept, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Out of the success you achieve can flow significance, which is where you are sharing, teaching, and helping others, leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

So what does that mean to invest in yourself? It can mean several things. Try Googling “invest in yourself” and you’ll get 5 million results. I can’t imagine trying to do 5 million things in my lifetime, so I thought I’d break down a list that can be useful for anyone who wants to be able to enjoy life and leave a legacy for others.

  1. Get out of debt. While you are in debt, you are enslaved. Whether it is to the credit card company, the bank, whoever…you are obligated to work to pay back money that you already spent. If you get out of debt, you are able to not only free yourself from that bondage, but you free up funds for the things that are truly important to you (i.e. retirement, helping your kids through college, being able to give to charities and families in need, etc.).
  2. Budgeting and tracking. As you work to get out of debt, and once you are out, it is important to establish a budget and use tracking to make sure you are actually spending according to your budget. A budget will never work without tracking. Small businesses to large corporations use budgets because they know that it is the key to being successful financially. It will also help you discover your true values and goals so you can spend on what is really important to you.
  3. Work on your relationships. At iMoneyCoach we teach our clients about how interconnected all the different areas of our lives are. If your finances are suffering, chances are that it is actually being caused by problems in another area of your life. Often we see problems in relationships that cause money trouble. Perhaps you and your spouse argue about money all the time and don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve worked with many couples in the same boat. For example, one couple was about to make a huge purchase that would have put them in debt and caused all sorts of trouble, and together we uncovered control issues in their relationship. Once they realized that this purchase was about control and didn’t really line up with their goals in life, they were able to work through the problem and save themselves at least $80,000!

You may have realized already that coaching can help you in each of these areas. A financial life coach can teach you the skills to create a budget, how to track, and help uncover other areas of your life that are causing your finances to suffer. Fixing those problems will bring relief and will allow you to move forward financially. For many years now our goal has been to get people to the place where they can truly say, “I love my life!” The best investment you can make is in yourself because out of that all sorts of good things will come!

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