There are instances where taking a couple of minutes can save you a lot of time and possibly some money. And you can be part of the green movement and help the environment. One of these ways is to opt-out of solicitations in your mailbox, on your phone, and on your porch. It takes just a short amount of time but can save you from some headaches.

1. Get on the National Do Not Call List - If you’re tired of your phone ringing with solicitors, who nowadays are more often than not just recordings, then go to the National Do Not Call List. Get your number added to the list. It is illegal for solicitors to call anyone on this list, and there are heavy fines if they do, so you can finally enjoy some peace and quiet.

2. Opt Out of Credit Card Offers - Not only do credit card offers not only create a lot of clutter, but they can pose a threat to your identity because they contain personal information and make it easy for thieves to get credit in your name. So call 1-(888)-5OPTOUT (that’s 1-888-567-8688) to stop those offers from automatically showing up. This can potentially save you a lot of money too. Banks unfortunately aren’t sending those offers just because you have good credit or because they are doing you a favor. Nope, they want your money, plain and simple.

3. Junk mail in the mailbox - Visit this site to minimize all that junk mail showing up in your mailbox. It may take a little bit of time, but think of all the paper you can save as well as the time since you won’t have to sort through all that mail, skimming over it to make sure it’s junk and then walking it to the trash can.

4. Junk email – When you get a bunch of unwanted email, there should be an “unsubscribe” button somewhere in the email, usually at the bottom. Click this link to take your email address off the marketer’s list so you won’t have that email cluttering up your inbox and also to avoid impulse buys that could potentially hurt your budget.

5. Phone Books? - While phone books do come in handy – my daughter has used one to sit at the kitchen table since she outgrew her high chair – they tend to be bulky and pile up year after year. You can now opt out of getting that big yellow book each year and instead search the Internet for phone numbers and businesses. Just call 1-877-243-8339 to opt-out of receiving a phone book.

If you have any other ways that you have opted out of clutter or organized your life, please share them in the comments section below!

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