We hear a lot about doing this or doing that in an effort to save money. But what about the things you should NOT do in order to save? Here’s a list of some useful tips (and hey, they may give you a little extra time, energy, and money for something else!)

  1. DON’T steam clean your carpets more than once a year. Now, I enjoy clean, and I know many people who want their carpets to be fresh and spotless too. But steam cleaning your carpet more than once a year can end up costing you big, to the tune of replacing your carpet much sooner than you need to. The water from the steam cleaner breaks down the glue that holds the carpet down, causing it to become loose and stretched out and worn faster than if you can hold off and only steam clean once a year.
  2. DON’T buy new books. This one can be tough. I love getting a new book and the feeling that it is “mine.” But suppose you like to read 1 book a month, and let’s say a new book costs a conservative average of $12. That’s $144 a year that you could save by skipping the book store and heading to the library. Even a few late fees wouldn’t compare to the money you would save.
  3. DON’T fly first class (unless you are using free miles). Did you realize that when you pay an extra $100, or any extra amount, to fly first class, you are paying that amount to sit in a big leather chair and eat warm peanuts for a few hours. Is it worth it? Is the time you have to spend sitting at your desk in a hard office chair worth those few hours in the first few rows of the plane?
  4. DON’T do laundry unless you’ve got a full load. Running a few items through the washing machine takes up a lot of extra water and energy. You’ll be doing the environment and yourself a favor if you just wait until you have a full load to wash. But don’t wash things that aren’t dirty! You just wore those jeans to run a few errands but then changed back into comfy pants when you got home? Save them for another wear!
  5. DON’T go to a fancy high-priced salon to get your hair cut. Did you know you can visit a local cosmetology school and save tons of money? A cut and color that could cost well over $100 in a fancy salon could be less than $50 at a cosmetology school. They have instructors nearby and do careful work because they are being tested and graded.

So start not doing these things today if you haven’t already! We love to help people save money, get out of debt, and become financially successful. If you have any ideas for future blogs, let me know – sarah@ifsweb.com. I’d love to hear from you!

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