So you may read this blog and some other here and there and wish there was a way you could open up one page and see updated blogs right away instead of having to go to each site to check for updates? Well, there IS a way!

There are several programs out there called RSS Readers. They pull all the latest posts and updates into one page so you don’t have to guess or keep a schedule to look for information. Now you can get the info you want when you want it. Google Reader is an easy one to use, especially if you happen to have Google set as your homepage with a customized setup to see the weather, news headlines, and more each time you open your browser (let me know if you want to set your homepage up this way, it’s easy and so convenient!) Here’s a great video that explains Google Reader in plain English.

Google Reader in Plain English

To stay up-to-date on all the latest from iMoneyCoach, be sure to post into your reader. When we have posted a new article, you’ll get a summary that you can click on for the full article – you are getting the “feed” from our blog to let you know what’s new. We want to keep in touch and get great information out to you to help you make the most of your finances and love your life!

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