Your relationship with your spouse can have a huge impact on your finances. There are a few things that you can do to build that relationship and keep your finances flowing smoothly.

  • Monitor your expectations.
  • Lower them as is realistic.
  • Reward Effort.
  • Love and Respect your mate.

What does this list mean? We’ll start with the first one, “monitor your expectations.” Take a second to write down a couple of your financial expectations that you have of your spouse. Have you shared these expectations? Are they realistic? Are they causing problems in your marriage? Now take some time to work on lowering your expectations – this doesn’t mean that you have to do all the work while your spouse plays and spends all the money, as some of you might be thinking. But it means doing what we can to work as a team and be realistic in our goals and relationships.

Now, rewarding the efforts of your spouse can go a long way. Do you know how much a simple “thank you” can do? Your spouse may really struggle in a particular area of your finances, but a little appreciation and encouragement could be just the motivation he or she needs to keep trying. Positive reinforcement can do so much more to build your relationship and finances than nagging and bitterness. Remember that you are a team, and a team can go much farther in unison and harmony than in discord and anger.

Men and women are different. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that, and it’s a well-known fact. But sometimes we forget this and treat our spouse the way we would want to be treated instead of the way they need to be treated. So husbands, remember to make your wife feel loved. Show her how much you truly care about her. And wives, be sure you are respecting your husbands.  One of the best things you can do for your finances is to build up your marriage to one of love, respect, and solid teamwork. Good relationships don’t just happen – they take work, but that work is well worth the outcome!

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