iMoneyCoach recently added a new course to our iMoneyCoach University of online courses. It is called True Grid and is all about discovering the plan that God has for your life and following through to reach big goals. When you uncover the blueprint God has for your life and take small steps each day to live by it, then you can reach amazing heights.


The course was originally authored by Charlynne Boddie who has done some incredible things in her life! A missionary and evangelist from Denver, CO she currently lives in the UK. She has been involved in evangelistic teaching, journalism, TV (she had her own show in Hollywood), has been a federal spokeswoman, and more. Charlynne has relied on God for provision and has seen Him do incredible things in her life. And she set out to share those things with others so they might experience it as well.


True Grid is a course that rounds out the iMoneyCoach concept of Life Balance. In order to be successful with our finances, we must strengthen all the areas of our lives and maintain balance. Think of it this way: There are 5 main life segments including Spiritual, Personal (physical and emotional), Relationships, Work, and Finances. If one of these areas is lacking, we tend to throw money at it as a band-aid or temporary solution, thinking that money can solve our problems. But unfortunately, it can’t. We need to figure out the problem and find the right solution. What does this have to do with True Grid? This touches on both your spiritual and personal segments of life. It is spiritual because you will be looking to what God has planned for your life and trusting Him to get you there. It is personal because as you reach your goals, you will feel great emotionally! The course teaches you to celebrate milestones so that even when you have setbacks you have those positive times to look at and keep you going. You know, the course may tie in with your work life depending on the goals that you set. You may be an aspiring actor and set goals relating to where you want your career to go.


That being said, I’d invite you to take a look at True Grid at the iMoneyCoach University. It is a fully narrated course that will walk you step by step through the process of setting goals and living your dreams, no matter where you are at in your life today. It’s an incredible journey that you do not want to miss!

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