Halloween is coming up, and it gets me to thinking about scary things. I know that something many people find frightening is money (cue evil Count Dracula laugh). It could be a lack of money, creating a budget, handling a checkbook, knowing how much to spend, feeling overwhelmed by bills and debt, making decent money but not knowing where it all goes, etc. There are so many ways that money and money management can scare people. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live in fear of money! Instead, it is possible to work towards financial freedom. That is not only a life that is not lived in fear, but it is a joyous place where you can celebrate.


At iMoneyCoach our goal is YOUR financial independence. We ultimately want to see you living in a place where you are making money from your investments and savings to pay your day-to-day expenses (and you may still have income on top of that!). We call that place HomeFree – be sure to search this blog site for more info on HomeFree.


Here are some great iMoneyCoach tools to help you take the mask off your money foe (flashback to Scooby Doo here) and start living in freedom and control over your finances:


1.        iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System online courses – We have created a fully-narrated, interactive, online course system full of videos, quizzes, and worksheets to teach you all about how to manage your finances successfully. This 10-course system walks you through the iMoneyCoach concepts of life balance, the bridge, and the pyramid, which can change how you manage money dramatically. We teach budgeting, getting out of debt with a proven system, banking, goal setting, and so much more. And the beauty of it all is that it is available online so you can learn on your own time whenever it is most convenient for you. Want to learn to budget the right way while sipping coffee in your PJs? You can. Now that’s not so scary is it? Check out our iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System at the iMoneyCoach University.

2.        Personal coaching with a financial life coach – If online courses aren’t quite your cup of tea, or if you think you need much more help, then you may want to consider one-on-one coaching with a financial life coach. Even the most successful athletes in the world have coaches to help them get better at what they do. A financial life coach can help you get better at managing your money and life (because as you will learn from our coaches, money and life are interconnected rather than independent parts of our lives). We can meet you in the office, over the phone, or even on Skype! Learn more about the benefits of a financial life coach and who are coaches are at our iMoneyCoach website.

3.        Debtinator Workbook – Now, instead of scaring you, your debt should be terrified when you enlist the help of The Debtinator! This is a part of our Financial Life Training System, but we’ve also made it an individual course at the iMoneyCoach University. Or you can get the workbook in print from our store or as an ebook to take with you wherever you go. The Debtinator Workbook will teach you a proven system to get out of debt, a way that actually works and works better and faster than other systems out there. We tie motivation into our system so that you can keep going as you pummel debt after debt (picture Arnold Schwarzenegger here blasting that debt away).

4.        The Spending Plan Workbook – The Spending Plan is another part of our full Financial Life Training System that we have made available as a separate unit. You can purchase The Spending Plan Workbook in print or as an ebook to take with you on your iPad, Kindle, computer, etc. In the Spending Plan you will learn the different categories necessary for a budget that works, how to rank expenses so you know what to budget, and how to track spending so you can adjust your budget accordingly. We stay away from the one-size-fits all approach because we understand that everyone has a different financial situation. We also believe strongly in building in a reward system so that you don’t end up facing something like a mid-life crisis. If budgets scare you, this book will help turn that around!

5.        Money Tips - iMoneyCoach is here to make money less daunting! We have a variety of ways for you to overcome the fear of money and live in both freedom and power! You can read more about iMoneyCoach on our website, get great tips and articles right here on our blog, get quick updates and news on Twitter, join the discussion on Facebook, or catch awesome one-minute tips in our iMoneyMinute newsletters that go out every few weeks and take just a minute to offer valuable information. We work hard to fight those money fears so you don’t have to worry.


Money doesn’t have to be the Boogieman in your life. And iMoneyCoach is devoted to helping make finances less daunting and more freeing. We want to see you succeed, and we work hard every day to make that happen. So this Halloween, remember that you can overcome the money fears and start on the road to financial freedom!


Halloween is coming up, and it gets me to thinking about scary things. I know that something many people find frightening is money (cue evil Count Dracula laugh). It could be a lack of money, creating a budget, handling a checkbook, knowing how much to spend, feeling overwhelmed by bills and debt, making decent money but not knowing where it all goes, etc. There are so many ways that money and money management can scare people. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live in fear of money! Instead, it is possible to work towards financial freedom. That is not only a life that is not lived in fear, but it is a joyous place where you can celebrate.


At iMoneyCoach our goal is YOUR financial independence. We ultimately want to see you living in a place where you are making money from your investments and savings to pay your day-to-day expenses (and you may still have income on top of that!). We call that place HomeFree – be sure to search this blog site for more info on HomeFree.


Here are some great iMoneyCoach tools to help you take the mask off your money foe (flashback to Scooby Doo here) and start living in freedom and control over your finances:


1.        iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System online courses – We have created a fully-narrated, interactive, online course system full of videos, quizzes, and worksheets to teach you all about how to manage your finances successfully. This 10-course system walks you through the iMoneyCoach concepts of life balance, the bridge, and the pyramid, which can change how you manage money dramatically. We teach budgeting, getting out of debt with a proven system, banking, goal setting, and so much more. And the beauty of it all is that it is available online so you can learn on your own time whenever it is most convenient for you. Want to learn to budget the right way while sipping coffee in your PJs? You can. Now that’s not so scary is it? Check out our iMoneyCoach Financial Life Training System at the iMoneyCoach University.

2.        Personal coaching with a financial life coach – If online courses aren’t quite your cup of tea, or if you think you need much more help, then you may want to consider one-on-one coaching with a financial life coach. Even the most successful athletes in the world have coaches to help them get better at what they do. A financial life coach can help you get better at managing your money and life (because as you will learn from our coaches, money and life are interconnected rather than independent parts of our lives). We can meet you in the office, over the phone, or even on Skype! Learn more about the benefits of a financial life coach and who are coaches are at our iMoneyCoach website.

3.        Debtinator Workbook – Now, instead of scaring you, your debt should be terrified when you enlist the help of The Debtinator! This is a part of our Financial Life Training System, but we’ve also made it an individual course at the iMoneyCoach University. Or you can get the workbook in print from our store or as an ebook to take with you wherever you go. The Debtinator Workbook will teach you a proven system to get out of debt, a way that actually works and works better and faster than other systems out there. We tie motivation into our system so that you can keep going as you pummel debt after debt (picture Arnold Schwarzenegger here blasting that debt away).

4.        The Spending Plan Workbook – The Spending Plan is another part of our full Financial Life Training System that we have made available as a separate unit. You can purchase The Spending Plan Workbook in print or as an ebook to take with you on your iPad, Kindle, computer, etc. In the Spending Plan you will learn the different categories necessary for a budget that works, how to rank expenses so you know what to budget, and how to track spending so you can adjust your budget accordingly. We stay away from the one-size-fits all approach because we understand that everyone has a different financial situation. We also believe strongly in building in a reward system so that you don’t end up facing something like a mid-life crisis. If budgets scare you, this book will help turn that around!

5.        Money Tips - iMoneyCoach is here to make money less daunting! We have a variety of ways for you to overcome the fear of money and live in both freedom and power! You can read more about iMoneyCoach on our website, get great tips and articles right here on our blog, get quick updates and news on Twitter, join the discussion on Facebook, or catch awesome one-minute tips in our iMoneyMinute newsletters that go out every few weeks and take just a minute to offer valuable information. We work hard to fight those money fears so you don’t have to worry.


Money doesn’t have to be the Boogieman in your life. And iMoneyCoach is devoted to helping make finances less daunting and more freeing. We want to see you succeed, and we work hard every day to make that happen. So this Halloween, remember that you can overcome the money fears and start on the road to financial freedom!

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