Whether we like to admit it or not, every single part of our lives affect or are affected by our finances. We cannot take “finances” and lump it into its own separate compartment in our lives, which unfortunately for many means that the books and tapes and seminars out there will not help them because those solutions focus on the one compartment. When people go back out into the world and live, they are frustrated to find that those solutions haven’t really solved anything.

Think about the day you had today or yesterday and all the ways that your life affected your finances, or ways your finances affected your life. You woke up and started the day by heading to the local coffee shop for your daily latte. You then headed on over to work because you need to make money to pay your bills. At the end of the day you got chewed out by your boss over a big misunderstanding, so when you got home you were tired and wanted to relax. So you took your spouse to the movies after dinner, where you had ordered an extra dessert, because you deserved dessert after the day you had. Then you drove back home in the car you are still paying off. And because it is chilly outside, when you got home you turned up the heat and snuggled into bed in your favorite flannel pajamas. Each and every thing described here is in one way or another tied to your finances. Say you cut out the daily $3 latte and think, “well, that just won’t affect my finances anymore.” But what if the latte was your way to reward yourself for getting out of bed in the morning and going to work? Now do you find a way to create a new reward, or does your work end up suffering and you miss out on a promotion?

Whether it is this or that, all the parts of our lives affect us financially, and our finances affect all parts of our lives. It is important to realize how they are intertwined so you can best determine how to move forward with your life, and how you can get your finances in order. It is a good idea to consult a Financial Life Coach to help you with this process, to show you how to identify these things in your life and how to deal with them appropriately. A Coach can help you gain understanding and learn how to manage your finances as well as work with the circumstances in your life that affect them so that you are not in a constant struggle and can actually get to the place where you can say “I love my life!”

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