Below is the review done on kids & koins that will appear in the March 2010 issue of Home School Enrichment magazine which reports to circulate to about 20,000 homes nationwide. and koins cover

"Kids & Koins is a simple but thorough method to teach children how to handle money responsibly. It covers major aspects of finances in short, easy lessons that make it easy for children (and adults!) to master important principles relating to money.

The book does include resources covering some of the mechanics of running a budget, but the main focus is on several important but often overlooked philosophies of life that help make it easier to handle money in a responsible way. For instance, Step 2 is titled “From Survival to Significance,” and illustrates why it is important to overcome bad habits and internalize the principles of living responsibly. Step 4 explains the difference between “work” and “chores.” Other topics include tracking money, goals, having the right attitude about allowances, developing a correct thought process, and much more.

I particularly like that Kids and Koins was developed primarily to be used as a teaching guide for parents. This permits almost any amount of parent-child discussion and interaction, and could easily be used to teach several ages of children at the same time.  Each chapter includes one or more exercises to help children master the principle taught in that chapter.

Although not a distinctively Christian resource, Kids & Koins was written by Christians and is definitely based on solid Biblical principles about life and money.  Christian parents should have no difficulty integrating the book with a study of what the Bible has to say about money.

Best of all, the principles taught in Kids & Koins are not only useful when it comes to handling money; many of them will be useful in many other areas of life as well.  The perspectives shared in the book are fresh and clear, and I found that even the principles I was already aware of were nuanced in such a way as to give them new meaning, purpose and clarity.

Many people go a lifetime without learning the valuable principles that Kids & Koins makes so simple in this easy-to-read little volume.  If possible, I’d encourage families to purchase a copy of this book for each of their children – I’m sure keeping my copy for future reference!"

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